Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.
Welcome to Kamala Nehru Womens College,Unit-1,Bhubaneswar,Khurda,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN

Grievance Redressal Cell :-

There is a grievance redressal cell taking senior teachers of the college headed by a coordinator to look after various grievances of the students on academic and financial matters.

General Rules

1. All the students are free to lodge their grievances on any academic, administrative,financial matters in the drop box kept for the purpose.

2. The drop box will be opened once in a week by the coordinator of the grievance redressal cell.

3. The coordinator shall forward all the grievances to the Principal of the college for necessary action.

4. The Principal shall examine the grievances of the students and try to redress the grievances at his level as far as practicable or endorse the same to the Governing Body for final decision.

5. Any rejection of redressal shall be intimated to the students through the Notice Board.

Mrs. Shova Das
News and Events E-Magazine